Season XX - Premiere - Water You Worried About?

August 21, 2023 01:40:23
Season XX - Premiere - Water You Worried About?
CriticalMass Podcast
Season XX - Premiere - Water You Worried About?

Aug 21 2023 | 01:40:23


Show Notes

Season XX - Premiere - Water You Worried About?


Dan, the RocnessMonster, and Adam talk about the porn rating system, crushed billionaires are funny, falling asleep during the Avatar films but the ride was awesome, the repeal of Affirmative Action, privilege and what it means, Rocness’ indigestion, voting Republican has become a danger to America, “Pro-Life,” is the laziest “stance,” our thoughts on the end of Ted Lasso (SPOILERS), AppleTV+ nailing it in original programming, the awful housing market, and hippo people.


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Sounder music by Adam Donnelly

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