What Season Is This? - Ep 4 - Nee, Nee, Neeer…
Dan and the RocnessMonster are talking to one of their favorite guests, RUBEN!!! We talk upcoming projects, BEHEMOTH becoming SUMERIAN, Comicbook Men, seeing your own comic/friend’s comic in a store, Venezuelan food, discussing getting a bad review on your creativity, discussing between the panels, sports team controversy, creators shitting on other creators, Dan has a ton of questions about the MCU, Dan compliments The RocnessMonster and everyone gets uncomfortable, introducing your kids to the MCU, discussing of Wakanda Forever…and SO MUCH MORE…
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We lost a friend, brother, roommate and big fan of the show. We take time to remember a man who fought through his struggles...
Hey CriticalMassterbators.....in this episode we talk about the election and the direction of our country.
Season 4 - Ep 2 - "Tide Pod - Cast" Dan and The RocnessMonster talk to their buddy Josh about being a real life...