What Season Is This? - Ep 7 - The Halloween Episode
Dan and the RocnessMonster are talking to our artist, our musician, our muse, Adam Donnelly! We discuss our spooky stories, some scary…some….maybe not so much….and then something happens in studio during this SPOOOOOKY episode. Don’t miss a minute!
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Thanks to our Sponsors!
Find our friend/artist Adam at: behance.net/APDonnelly
Instagram: atothedamn
Sounder music by Adam Donnelly
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Pray for us!
With no guest, Rocness and dan sharpen their teeth and go after Trump and that low-life goalie from the Lacrosse game.
Season 8 - Episode 6 - “From Taint to Table” Dan and the RocnessMonster talk to Ray Ray! Who is SEVERELY with child. We...