Season 13 - Ep 6 - Casey - YOU Just Ruined the TWIST
Dan and the RocnessMonster talk to Casey about Daniel Prude getting no justice, transphobia, stopping the hate, Casey’s new book; Hollowed #3, parking a mail truck, minorities in comic books/media, what a DFAT Con would look like, we poke fun at Ruben, Cruz leaving for Mexico, family brainwashed into racism and how sad that is, representatives NOT actually representing the people…
Hollowed #3 Kickstarter can be found here:
Just because Biden has been sworn in...Black Lives Still Matter…
The Rona ain’t no joke….
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Find our friend/artist Adam at:
Instagram: atothedamn
Special Thanks to our friends at:
Insensitive Culture
Dear White Friends (on Facebook)
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Facebook: @criticalmasspodcast69
Instagram: criticalmasspodcast
Season 4 - Premiere - "Brian's Song of Art and the Folly of Mankind" Dan and The RocnessMonster talk to their friend Brian about...
Season D - Ep 5 - Derek - Twitch Is OnlyFans for Ugly People Dan and the RocnessMonster….DAN IS BACK!! He has survived Covid…barely….we...
Season 15? - Ep 5 - JunkPickers LIVE Dan and the RocnessMonster chat with JR of @JunkPickers on Instagram. We talk about time at...