Season 13 - Ep 7 - LMac and Judy - Adventures in GrubHubbing
Dan and the RocnessMonster talk to LMac and Judy about cancelling Dr. Seuss, using a gif being racist, Cuomo should be responsible for his actions, snowflake conservatives that don’t read, the GrubHub adventures and crazy delivery stories <—— Hilarious! The post office, Covid Vaccinations, Judy makes a salad live on the show, bad customer service and all around hilarity in this JAM PACKED episode!
Hollowed #3 Kickstarter can be found here:
Just because Biden has been sworn in...Black Lives Still Matter…
The Rona ain’t no joke….
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Instagram: atothedamn
Special Thanks to our friends at:
Insensitive Culture
Dear White Friends (on Facebook)
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Season 5 Premiere - “Requiem for a Night Terror” Dan and The RocnessMonster talk to their buddy JR about guns, the conservative sickness, night...
SEASON X - Finale - Judy/LMac - “No Ball Play? Oh, God!” Dan and the RocnessMonster have a remote podcast during the PANDEMIC with...
Season 8 - Episode 2 - “Dr. Cox, and The Tale of the End of Humanity” Dan, Andrew, and The RocnessMonster yet again welcome...