Season 15? - Ep 4 - Chris - Choose Your Own Adventure

August 14, 2021 01:17:47
Season 15? - Ep 4 - Chris - Choose Your Own Adventure
CriticalMass Podcast
Season 15? - Ep 4 - Chris - Choose Your Own Adventure

Aug 14 2021 | 01:17:47


Show Notes

Season 15? - Ep 4 - Chris - Choose Your Own Adventure

RocnessMonster chat with Chris our C.O.C….listen to find out what that means, we talk Cuomo, democracy, Gavin Newsome in Cali, Republicans destroying America, Kathy Griffin, people making turns, don’t be happy for Cuomo if you didn’t speak up for Trump, the internet mob, Robin is bisexual and the conservative prudes lose their mind, Matt Gaetz should be in prison forever, people in public that suck, vaccine IDs/forced vaccination, climate change, fires in California, Wegmans bathrooms, Chris’ choose your own adventure with his life….

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