Season D - Ep 5 - Derek - Twitch Is OnlyFans for Ugly People
Dan and the RocnessMonster….DAN IS BACK!! He has survived Covid…barely….we talk to Derek about Israel and Palestine, Dan having covid, mask wearing, vaccinations, Three Brothers Winery sucking again, video gaming, Twitch streaming, pooping in a cabin with wood chips, and general stupidity….
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Season 7 - Episode 6 - “Beer and Politics” Andrew, and The RocnessMonster miss Dan so much that they decide to down some beers...
Beards and men. What else do you need from me!? Dave from Genesee Beard Co. talks mens fashion and pitbulls.
Season 4 - Ep. 8 - "Where's the Ladies' Section?" Dan and The RocnessMonster talk to their buddy Lags about stuff!!! Children exposing themselves...